Domain decomposition and data parallelism #
In this exercise, we’re going to look at some of the implementation steps involved in domain-decomposing a finite difference computation.
The particular case we are going to consider is that of edge detection in grayscale images, and subsequent reconstruction of the original image from the detected eges.
Introduction and background #
A particularly simple way of detecting the edges in an image is to convolve it with a Laplacian kernel. That is, given some image $I$, we can obtain its edges with
$$ E = \nabla^2 I. $$
By now, you should be familiar with the five-point finite difference stencil, which we’ll use heree for discretisation.
Having computed the edges, $E$, we can (approximately) reconstruct the image $I$ by applying the inverse $\left(\nabla^2\right)^{-1}$. The approximate reconstructed image is
$$ I^r = \left(\nabla^2\right)^{-1} E. $$
We discretise the image as a 2D array, computing the edges can be done in one step
$$ E_{i, j} = I_{i-1, j} + I_{i+1, j} + I_{i, j-1} + I_{i, j+1} - 4I_{i,j} $$
for all pixels $i, j$ in the image.
To reconstruct the image, we will use a Jacobi iteration, given an initial guess for the reconstructed image, $I^{r, 0}$, we set $k = 0$ and then an improved guess is given by
$$ I_{i,j}^{r,k+1} = \frac{1}{4}\left(I_{i-1, j}^{r,k} + I_{i+1,j}^{r,k} + I_{i,j-1}^{r,k} + I_{i,j+1}^{r,k} - E_{i,j}\right) $$ for all pixels $i, j$ in the image. You’ll note that this is exactly the Jacobi smoother we saw last term.
After many many iterations ($k \to \infty$), this will converge to a good approximation to the initial image.
WARNING, WARNING. As we saw last term when looking at multigrid methods, this is a terrible way of inverting the Laplacian, we’re using it to illustrate some domain decomposition and parallelisation approaches: the multilevel stuff is to come!
Implementation #
This code lives in the code/parallel/dd-image/
subdirectory. There
are some sample images in the images
Data structures #
The image itself is stored as a 2D array. We use domain decomposition to divide up the global image between processes. Here we are only using a 1-D decomposition (which is slightly easier to program, but less efficient). In real life you’d use a 2-D decomposition.
The idea is that each process owns a contigous slice of the total image. To compute the stencil that updates each pixel in the image, we need to access neighbouring values. On the global image boundary, we’ll use zero Dirichlet conditions. Where two processes meet, they will have to communicate to exchange values.
The nice way of thinking about this is to separate the communication and computation phases using global and local vectors. Global vectors represent the process’s portion of the image which it is responsible for updating. Local vectors are padded with values from either the Dirichlet data or the neighbouring process, so that we can compute on them without needing to communicate, or insert conditional branches in the inner loop.
A computation phase, to reconstruct the image from edges is, in pseudo-code, something like:
def update(uold, unew):
"""Update unew <- stencil(uold)
Both uold and unew are global vectors
ulocal = global_to_local(uold)
ulocalnew = apply_stencil(ulocal)
unew = local_to_global(ulocalnew)
return unew
To implement this, we need to carry around information about the grid that decomposes the global image.
The global_to_local
and local_to_global
calls communicate halo (or
ghost) values between processes. The apply_stencil
then operates on
purely local data (it just has to iterate over the correct part of the
Data distribution and parallelisation #
There are three steps to the parallelisation of the code.
- Having read the image on a single process, distribute across all the processes in the communicator;
- Run the edge detection, and then reconstruction routines (using the ideas described above);
- Gather the distributed, reconstructed, image to a single rank to write the output.
For really large-scale computations, it is best to use parallel output, but we’re not going to do that here.
The template code implements this algorithmic workflow, but has stubbed out a bunch of the functions. Your job is to implement the different pieces and put it together.
Implement distribution of the image array across the available processes. You should useMPI_Scatter
depending on whether the number of processes evenly divides the number of image rows or not.
With this step done, you should be able to run in parallel and see the
different outputs. Note that at this point, the boundary values will
be incorrect. So our next step is to implement the correct
and local_to_global
Use non-blocking sends and receives to implement the data exchange necessary to update ghost values in
. Think about where you need to actually transfer data: do you need to do message exchange in both routines, or can you get away with local copies for one of them?Hint
For these kind of things, I always find it helpful to draw some pictures of where the data live.
Finally we need to gather the resulting images onto a single rank for
writing. Having implemented the distribution by scattering data, this
should be reasonably straightforward: it’s the inverse operation,
using MPI_Gather