Pairwise message exchange #
The simplest form of communication in MPI is a pairwise exchange of a message between two processes.
In MPI, communication via messages is two-sided1. That is, for every message one process sends, there must be a matching receive call by another process.
Cartoon of sending a message between two processes
We need to fill in some details
- How will we describe “data”
- How will we identify processes
- How will the receiver know which message to put where?
- What does it mean for a send (or receive) to be complete?
The C function signatures for basic, blocking send and receive are
int MPI_Send(const void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm);
int MPI_Recv(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status);
The mpi4py buffer-based signatures are:
comm.Send([buffer, count, datatype], dest, tag)
comm.Recv([buffer, count, datatype], src, tag)
As long as you’re using numpy arrays and sending contiguous pieces of
data, mpi4py can also do automatic datatype
in which case you can just do comm.Send(buffer, dest, tag)
We first note a few things about the interface, and then describe the details. All input and output variables are as arguments to the functions.
mpi4py sets up the MPI library such that errors from the library functions (reported as non-zero integer return values in the C interface) raise exceptions in Python. See the documentation on error handling.
Let’s look at how this works in more detail.
Describing the data #
To provide the data, we pass a buffer we want to send from (receive
into). We describe how much data to send (receive) by providing a
and a datatype. MPI datatypes are quite flexible, we will
start off only using builtin datatypes (for describing the basic
variable types that C supports). We show a list of the more common
ones below, see the section Named Predefined Datatypes C
in the MPI standard for the full list.
Numpy type | C type1 | MPI_Datatype |
np.int32 | int32_t | MPI.INT32_T |
np.int64 | int64_t | MPI.INT64_T |
np.float32 | float | MPI.FLOAT |
np.float64 | double | MPI.DOUBLE |
For example, to send a single double we would write:
value = numpy.asarray(1, dtype=numpy.float64)
comm.Send([value, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], ...)
To send the second and third integers from an array of integers
numbers = numpy.arange(3, dtype=numpy.int32)
comm.Send([numbers[1:3], 2, MPI.INT32_T], ...)
Receiving works analogously, so to receive the two integers, this time into the first two entries of a buffer
numbers = numpy.empty(3, dtype=numpy.int32)
comm.Recv([numbers, 2, MPI.INT32_T], ...)
Identification of processes and distinguishing messages #
The concept that groups together processes in an MPI program is a
communicator. To identify processes in a send (receive) we use their
in a particular communicator. As we saw previously, MPI starts
up and provides a communicator that contains all processes, namely
Suppose I further (for my application) want to distinguish messages
with the same datatype/count arguments. I can use the tags to do so.
A message sent with tag N
will only be matched by a receive that
also has tag N
. Often it doesn’t matter that much what we use as a
tag, because we arrange our code so that they are not important.
So if I want to send to rank 1 in MPI.COMM_WORLD
, I write
comm.Send(..., 1, tag=100)
Rank 1 can receive this message with:
comm.Recv(..., 0, tag=100)
The count and datatype are not used when matching up sends and receives, it is only the source/destination pair and the tag.
Message ordering #
To decide on the order in which messages are processed, MPI has a rule that messages with the same source and tag do not “overtake”. So if I have
if comm.rank == 0:
comm.Send([vala, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], 1, 0)
comm.Send([valb, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], 1, 0)
elif comm.rank == 1:
comm.Recv([a, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], 0, 0)
comm.Recv([a[1:], 1, MPI.DOUBLE, 0, 0)
Then on rank 1, a[0]
will always contain vala
and a[1]
always contain valb
Let’s look at an example. Suppose we have two processes, and we want to send a message from rank 0 to rank 1.
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size
value = numpy.empty(1, dtype=numpy.float64)
if rank == 0:
value[:] = 10
if rank == 0:
comm.Ssend([value, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], 1, tag=0)
elif rank == 1:
print(f"[{rank}]: before receiving, my value is {value}", flush=True)
comm.Recv([value, 1, MPI.DOUBLE], 0, tag=0)
print(f"[{rank}]: my value is {value}", flush=True)
The code above sends a message from rank 0 to rank 1. Modify it so that it sends the message from rank 0 to ranks $[1..N]$ when run on $N$ processes.
When are sends (receives) complete? #
Let us think about how MPI might implement sending a message over a network. One option is that MPI copies the user data to be sent into a buffer, sends it over the network into another buffer, and then copies it out into the user-level receive buffer. This is shown in the figure below.
Send-receive pair with MPI-provided buffers.
To avoid this copy, we would like to directly send through the network
Send-receive with no buffers.
For this to be possible, the send has to wait for the receive to be available. MPI provides us with sending modes that support both of these mechanisms.
Different types of send calls #
To see the signatures of these various mpi4py functions, use the inbuilt help and docstrings in
or (in IPython or a jupyter notebook)?function_name
Synchronous send: MPI_Ssend
This send mode covers the case with no buffers. The program will wait
inside the MPI_Ssend
call until the matching receive is ready. The figure below shows a
timeline on two processes.
Sketch of synchronous send between two processes.
Buffered send MPI_Bsend
This send mode allows the user to provide a buffer for MPI to copy
into. The call to
return as soon as the data are copied into the buffer. If the buffer
is too small, an error occurs.
Sketch of buffered send between two processes.
Points to note
The receive
is always synchronous: it waits until the buffer is filled up with the complete received message.In the
case, it the receive is issued on process 1 before process 0 starts the send, then process 1 waits in theMPI_Recv
I don’t want to decide: MPI_Send
Managing send buffers by hand for Bsend
is somewhat tedious, so MPI
provides a get-out option:
In MPI_Send
, the buffer space is provided by the MPI implementation.
If enough buffer space is available for the message, it is used (so
the send behaves like Bsend
and returns as soon as the copy is
complete). If the buffer is full, then MPI_Send
turns into
You can’t rely on any particular size of buffer from the MPI implementation, so you should really treatMPI_Send
is really an optimisation that you should apply once you really want to squeeze the last little bit out of your implementation.Therefore, I would only worry about
is less forgiving of incorrect code, so I recommendMPI_Ssend
to catch any deadlock errors.
A concrete example #
Let us look at the difference in behaviour between MPI_Ssend
to observe how MPI_Send
can hide deadlocks in some
Remember that MPI_Send
returns immediately if there is enough buffer
space available, but turns into MPI_Ssend
when the buffer space runs
Here is a short snippet that illustrates the kind of problematic code. Rank 0 will send a message to rank 1, and then receive a message from rank 1. At the same time, rank 1 first sends a message to rank 0.
if rank == 0:
comm.Send([send, n, MPI.INT], 1, tag=0)
comm.Recv([recv, n, MPI.INT], 1, tag=0)
elif rank == 1:
comm.Send([send, n, MPI.INT], 0, tag=0)
comm.Recv([recv, n, MPI.INT], 0, tag=0)
The code
implements this message passing deadlock.It takes one argument, which is the size of message to send.
Don’t forget to load the relevant MPI module.Run it on two processes.
How big can you make this message before you observe a deadlock?
Cancelling the process
If you launched the run interactively, type
to quite the hanging process.If you used the batch system you can use
followed by the ID of the job to cancel the job (or set a short timeout in your slurm script).Try changing the
calls tocomm.Ssend
, is there now any value of the buffer size that completes successfully?
Avoiding deadlocks #
Pairwise communication: MPI_Sendrecv
For simple pairwise communication, like our example of exchanging messages, MPI offers an function that does the equivalent of executing a send and a receive simultaneously (avoiding the deadlock problem of sends coming before receives).
pairs up a send and a receive in one call.
Rewrite the code ofparallel/snippets/
to useMPI_Sendrecv
Non-blocking communication #
The pairwise send-receive is useful. but not general enough to cover all point-to-point communication patterns we might encounter. MPI therefore offers “non-blocking” communication modes that return immediately and allow us to later test if the message has been sent/received.
This page is already long enough, so they’re described in detail separately.
Summary #
MPI has flexible point-to-point messaging. The message contents are described by a pointer to a buffer (to send from/receive into) along with a count and datatype.
The source or destination of a message is specified by providing the communicator and a rank.
Messages can be distinguished by tags. Often don’t need them for simple processes, but can be used in advanced usage, or to make sure that messages don’t accidentally match.
#include <stdint.h>