Lecture scribblings and video links #
Links to the videos should be accessible with a Durham account registered on the course in 2020/21.
About half way through when I wrote down the efficiency for weak scaling I simplified $\frac{T_1}{T_1 + \mathcal{o}(p)T_1}$ to $\frac{T_1}{1 + \mathcal{o}(p)}$. The correct efficiency for weak scaling is $$ \eta_p = \frac{1}{1 + \mathcal{o}(p)}, $$ the correct expressions for $\eta_p^{\text{fix}}$ and $\eta_p^{\text{log}}$ are therefore
$$ \begin{aligned} \eta_p^{\text{fix}} &= \frac{1}{1 + \alpha}\text{ and} \\ \eta_p^{\text{log}} &= \frac{1}{1 + \mathcal{O}(\log p)}. \end{aligned} $$I’ve updated the notes that were uploaded to reflect this, but can’t change the video. The subsequent discussion of what the plots look like is, I think, all correct.
Some more detail on parallel scaling laws can be found here.
For details on machine (or algorithmic) scaling, and its application to PDE solvers, I like A performance spectrum for parallel computational frameworks that solve PDEs (the published paper is in CCPE).
2021-01-27: Scribbles, video, code
Have a go at running this code on your own machine (or on Hamilton). If on Hamilton do you observe different behaviour when running across more than one node? See this exercise description for more information.
The paper I briefly mentioned in the lecture is Scaling Limits for PDE-based simulation, it goes into more details of what I was discussing the lecture with regards to turning machine and computational models into models for scaling. I’ll cover a little more of it next week, so if you have time to skim through that would be great.
We looked at some results from the ping-pong code we wrote last time, and then discussed the idea that the reason we can have a hope of solving PDEs in parallel is that we have sparse representations. So we don’t need to do alltoall communication and computation. We then started on how might divide the work on our grids up between parallel processes, with a goal of having $\frac{N}{P}$ work per process and (hopefully) at worst $\mathcal{O}(\log P)$ algorithmic, memory footprint, or message-passing complexity as a function of the number of processes. I tried to motivate why this is a reasonable goal for multigrid solvers.
We briefly recapped why we want “square” subdomains: since we want to minimise surface to volume ratio. Then we started looking at the design of MPI-parallel grids. In particular, we motivated that we want to agglomerate messages into large batches (rather than sending many small messages).
The key point in the design is the separation of “global” vectors (which have no overlap) which our timestepper wants to see, and “local” vectors (with overlap) which are necessary for computing (I called this assembly) the residual. The local vectors need overlap because the stencil doesn’t just act pointwise. I sketched a plausible design for how this works, which we’ll make more concrete next week.
Next time we want to look at the analysis of scaling limits for Jacobi iteration from Scaling Limits for PDE-based simulation, so
Please read the introduction and up to the send of Section II.B.1 (Jacobi iteration) from that paper, we’ll try and discuss the key points.This time my annotatations where on the Fischer et al. paper I set as reading work. I provided some background on the application areas they are starting from (and nearly managed, up to one sign error, to get the Navier–Stokes equations correct). We then looked a little bit more at scaling models and did an analysis (following the paper) of scaling limits for a finite difference discretisation of the Laplacian in 3D if using Jacobi iterations as a solver. Each iteration is scalable, but since we need to do a number of iterations that increases with the total number of degrees of freedom, Jacobi iteration on its own is not algorithmically scalable. I got a bit confused with the way they had written the Jacobi update. There is a sign error in that equation. The uploaded scribbles work out what it should look like (in two different ways).
The paper also presents the results of a detailed analysis (not worked through) for scaling limits for a V(1, 0) cycle of geometric multigrid. This is an algorithmically scalable algorithm. It has more communication, with a term that grows with $\log P$, so as we add more processes we need more local work to remain computationally scalable.
We remarked briefly on how few extra flops multigrid needs (compared to Jacobi iteration) to get a scalable algorithm.
One thing I remarked on in Table 1 from the paper is exactly how fast the network interconnect is on nice HPC platforms. To see exactly how fast, compare with the latency for modern NVMe SSDs, which are touted as a real step forward in disk technology, and notice that we’ve had interconnects with lower latency than modern SSDs since 1990.
Next time we’ll do some more hands on stuff and sketch some code for multi-level algorithms in MPI.
2021-02-24: Scribbles (quite short), code, video
I introduced what we’re doing for the coursework, a candidate is available, which may get minor textual edits after checking but is basically complete. We will be using github classroom to manage the code submission so please sign up via the link on the coursework page.
For the remainder of the lectures, I’ll be introducing concepts, and use, of the PETSc library. PETSc is a sophisticated parallel library that provides many useful datastructures for PDEs on grids and unstructured meshes. We’re using it provide the parallel grids and sparse matrices in the coursework, so you’ll want to get it installed locally. If you have any issues here please get in touch.
I started by introducing PETSc’s
object. We saw that every PETSc object gets created with a communicator. Many of the operations are then logically collective over that communicator: all ranks must participate for correctness, even if there is no obvious synchronisation required.Most of the operations we saw were local (pointwise) operations on vectors, but the final thing we saw showed how PETSc deals with the problem of “batching” communication. If I want to set values in part of a
that I don’t own, then I do that by first (non-collectively) callingvec.setValues
. This internally creates a stash for the data that will need to be communicated. Once everyone is done setting values, there’s a split-phase communication round withvec.assemblyBegin()
followed byvec.assemblyEnd()
. After the latter call, theVec
contains the new values and is ready to be used again.See the commented code for more details.
2021-03-03: Scribbles, code, video.
Note: apologies, the screen sharing in the video only appears to show the code, and not interaction with the terminal. Please try running the code yourself to see what’s going on.
We discussed sparse matrices, and a little bit about sparse matrix formats. I (somewhat informally) defined what we mean by a sparse matrix. We also briefly looked at how sparse matrices are distributed in parallel. This is interesting when we think about operations involving matrices and vectors, particularly we need that the parallel decomposition is compatible (PETSc will complain if not). Matrices, representing finite dimensional linear operators, are encapsulated in the PETSc
object. The PETSc manual also has a section on them.Some example usage is shown in the commented code.
2021-03-10: Scribbles, code, video.
I introduced PETSc’s
which provides indexing, matrix, and vector creation for finite difference discretisations on structured grids.They key thing here for writing finite difference codes is the notion of global and local vectors, and the index ranges that the DMDA gives us. We saw some pictures of this and looked at the basic functionality. Next time we’ll do a complete small example.
2021-03-17: Scribbles, code, video.
We looked at using a DMDA grid to do parallel finite differences. The major part that is a little fiddly to get right is the different indexing for global points, local points, and local ghost points. I drew some ASCII pictures, and showed the setup for both matrix-vector product (using the local indexing) and global indexing for matrix assembly.
We then discussed some of the things that might go wrong when implementing numerical code, and some suggestions for how to debug. The main idea is to use the mathematical structure of the problem to set up tests for which you know the answer. For example, if you have a 1D discretisation of $-\nabla^2$, represented as the matrix $A$, then applying that matrix to the finite difference representation of $x^2$ should produce a vector that represents $-2$. You can incorporate such tests in a test suite and be sure that newer changes do not break old behaviour.