Coursework: fast finite elements
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Fast finite elements #

The submission deadline for this work is 2022-02-21 at 14:00UTC.

Introduction #

The finite element method is a popular and flexible method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. In this coursework, you will study and benchmark some performance optimisations for a prototypical finite element problem.

In particular, we will study the solution of the simplest possible finite element problem, to solve the linear system

$$ A u = f $$

where $A$ is the mass matrix. We will do this in a matrix-free manner, that is, rather than creating the matrix $A$ and inverting it, we will use a diagonally preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method to compute $u = A^{-1} f$. This only needs matrix-vector products and the inverse of the diagonal of $A$.

This problem is the same as the first two “bake-off” problems proposed by the CEED project.

A wide-scale study of these problems in a number of finite element codes is presented in this paper. You may find this useful to set the scene and get some ideas as to what kinds of performance to look for.

We will use their code to perform the benchmarking and the performance study. You can obtain the code from their github repository. You will also need a recent version of PETSc, build and compile it following their instructions and set the PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environment variables accordingly.

On Hamilton, I provide a usable version of PETSc.

To use it, you’ll need to use the following modules


and set the environment variables

export PETSC_DIR=/ddn/data/vtdb72/petsc
export PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-opt

With PETSc available, you can build the CEED library following their build instructions: the simplest thing to do is run make in the libceed directory.

On Hamilton, you will need to provide the location of the BLAS library when building libceed. If you are using my version of PETSc as specified above you’ll need to do:

make BLAS_LIB="-L$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -Wl,-rpath,$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -lopenblas"

In addition to any options you pass to make.

We will use the bpsraw benchmark program. Having built the library, go to the examples/petsc subdirectory and do

$ cd examples/petsc
$ make bpsraw

We can now run the benchmark, it uses commandline options to control which problem to run, along with the approximation degree and size of the problem. We’re interested in the bp1 and bp2 problems.

$ ./bpsraw -problem bp1

-- CEED Benchmark Problem 1 -- libCEED + PETSc --
    PETSc Vec Type                     : seq
    libCEED Backend                    : /cpu/self/xsmm/blocked
    libCEED Backend MemType            : host
    libCEED User Requested MemType     : none
    Number of 1D Basis Nodes (P)       : 2
    Number of 1D Quadrature Points (Q) : 3
    Global nodes                       : 1331
    Process Decomposition              : 1 1 1
    Local Elements                     : 1000 = 10 10 10
    Owned nodes                        : 1331 = 11 11 11
    DoF per node                       : 1
    KSP Type                           : cg
    KSP Convergence                    : DIVERGED_ITS
    Total KSP Iterations               : 20
    Final rnorm                        : 3.042095e-08
    Pointwise Error (max)              : 1.088768e-02
    CG Solve Time                      : 0.00696532 (0.00696532) sec
    DoFs/Sec in CG                     : 3.82179 (3.82179) million

You might see different numbers and details, but the idea is the same.

You can control (approximately) the size of the problem by modifying the number of Local Elements.

$ ./bpsraw -problem bp1 -local 10000
    Global nodes                       : 11466
    Process Decomposition              : 1 1 1
    Local Elements                     : 10000 = 20 20 25

Finally, we can change the computational cost of the main matrix-vector product by modifying the polynomial degree (which is equal to $P-1$ where $P$ is the number of 1D basis nodes shown above).

$ ./bpsraw -problem bp1 -degree 7
    Number of 1D Basis Nodes (P)       : 8
    Number of 1D Quadrature Points (Q) : 9
    Global nodes                       : 960

Selecting backends #

LibCEED comes with a number of different backends, you can select these by specifying -ceed BACKEND_STRING. A short description is given here. If you used the default build parameters then you have access to

  • /cpu/self/ref/serial
  • /cpu/self/ref/blocked
  • /cpu/self/avx/serial
  • /cpu/self/avx/blocked

For example, the run

$ ./bpsraw -ceed /cpu/self/ref/blocked`

selects the “reference” blocked backend.

We’ll use these backends when benchmarking.

You may also wish to compile the library with libxsmm, in which case you’ll also have access to

  • /cpu/self/xsmm/serial
  • /cpu/self/xsmm/blocked

Parallelism #

The code is parallelised using MPI. So you can run it in parallel with

$ mpiexec -n NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES ./bpsraw ...

Likwid annotations #

If you want to add likwid annotations (for example to get floating point throughput), you’ll need to edit bpsraw.c to include the likwid header and add appropriate LIKWID_MARKER_XXX calls.

The main computational work is the section of code between the two // -- Performance logging comments in main.

To make it easy to add these markers and compile both with, and without, likwid, you could use the likwidinc.h header we’ve used previously.

In addition, you’ll then also need to add

LDLIBS += -llikwid

In the Makefile after their definitions and rebuild.

This is rather fiddly with MPI parallelism, so you might only want to do likwid annotation of serial runs.

Task #

You should perform a profiling and performance analysis of the code.

You should study:

  1. How the performance varies for the different backends as a function of both the polynomial degree (the -degree argument, vary this from 1 to 16) and the problem size (the -local argument, vary this from 1000 to 500000). Which backend provides the best performance? What about the worst? Does it depend on the degree or problem size?
  2. Do your findings/conclusions change when you move from bp1 to bp2?
  3. For the best and worst backends, how does the performance scale in parallel? You can restrict yourself to a single Hamilton node.
  4. How close to the hardware performance limits you think the code is. For example, you could perform a roofline study.

You should write up your findings and a discussion in a short report. It should describe the experiments you performed, and present (in an appropriate manner) the data you collected along with the answers to the above questions.

Mark scheme and submission #

You should submit, via ULTRA, a PDF of your report (max 5 pages, including figures and tables), named by your CIS username.

ReportAppropriate use of performance measurements20
ReportAppropriate use of performance models20
ReportAnalysis and presentation of data, writing60

The reports will be marked with reference to the descriptors for written work on the MISCADA sharepoint site.