Sum reductions
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Benchmarking with likwid-bench #

Overview #

We’re going to look at the throughput of a very simple piece of code

float reduce(int N, const double *restrict a)
  float c = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    c += a[i];
  return c;

when all of the data live in L1 cache.

We’ll do so on an AVX-capable core (where the single-precision vector width is 8).

There is a loop-carried dependency on the summation variable, so without [unrolling](TODO LINK LATER), the execution stalls at every add until the previous one completes.

Assembly pseudo-code looks something like

Scalar code

LOAD r1.0 ← 0
i ← 0
  LOAD r2.0 ← a[i]
  ADD r1.0 ← r1.0 + r2.0
  i ← i + 1
  if i < N: loop
result ← r1.0

Vector code

LOAD [r1.0, ..., r1.7] ← 0
i ← 0
  LOAD [r2.0, ..., r2.7] ← [a[i], ..., a[i+7]]
  ADD r1 ← r1 + r2 ; SIMD ADD
  i ← i + 8
  if i < N: loop
result ← r1.0 + r1.1 + ... + r1.7

Reading the Intel documentation, ADD instructions have a latency of one cycle. So we expect the scalar code to run at \(\frac{1}{8}\)th of the ADD peak.

The goal of this exercise is to verify this claim.

In addition, it will give you an opportunity to gain familiarity with some of the likwid tools that will reappear throughout the course.

Setup: logging in to Hamilton #

Likwid is installed on the Hamilton cluster. Log in with

See the tips & tricks advice for simplifying this process.

Using the batch system #

Hamilton is typical of a supercomputing cluster, in that the login (or “frontend”) node is shared between all users, and you use a batch system to request resources and execute your code on the compute nodes.

DO NOT do benchmarking on the frontend (login) nodes for two reasons

  1. We do not want to overload them
  2. Because other people are also using them, any results you get are potentially highly variable (depending on what else is running at the time).

Instead you either need to run a batch script that executes your commands, or else request an interactive terminal on a compute node. For details see the quickstart guide on DUO (as part of Core I), and the Hamilton documentation.

To request an interactive node, run

srun --pty $SHELL

Note that Hamilton has a limited number of interactive compute nodes. If too many people are using them, this command will wait until one becomes available. You can cancel the command with control-c. The alternative to using an interactive job is to use a batch job, where you write a shell script that runs the commands and submit it with sbatch. The Hamilton documentation has some template scripts you can copy, the serial script is probably a good start.

Hamilton uses the module system to provide access to software. To gain access to the likwid tools, we need to run

module load likwid/5.0.1
If you run in batch mode, you should execute this command as part of the batch script. In interactive mode, you need to load the module each time you request a new interactive job.

Using likwid-bench #

Verify that you have correctly loaded the likwid module by running likwid-bench -h. You should see output like the following

Threaded Memory Hierarchy Benchmark --  Version  5.0

Supported Options:
-h       Help message
-a       List available benchmarks
-d       Delimiter used for physical core list (default ,)
-p       List available thread domains
         or the physical ids of the cores selected by the -c expression
-s <TIME>    Seconds to run the test minimally (default 1)
         If resulting iteration count is below 10, it is normalized to 10.
-i <ITERS>   Specify the number of iterations per thread manually.
-l <TEST>    list properties of benchmark
-t <TEST>    type of test
-w       <thread_domain>:<size>[:<num_threads>[:<chunk size>:<stride>]-<streamId>:<domain_id>[:<offset>]
-W       <thread_domain>:<size>[:<num_threads>[:<chunk size>:<stride>]]
         <size> in kB, MB or GB (mandatory)
For dynamically loaded benchmarks
-f <PATH>    Specify a folder for the temporary files. default: /tmp

Difference between -w and -W :
-w allocates the streams in the thread_domain with one thread and support placement of streams
-W allocates the streams chunk-wise by each thread in the thread_domain

# Run the store benchmark on all CPUs of the system with a vector size of 1 GB
likwid-bench -t store -w S0:1GB
# Run the copy benchmark on one CPU at CPU socket 0 with a vector size of 100kB
likwid-bench -t copy -w S0:100kB:1
# Run the copy benchmark on one CPU at CPU socket 0 with a vector size of 100MB but place one stream on CPU socket 1
likwid-bench -t copy -w S0:100MB:1-0:S0,1:S1

An example benchmark #

likwid-bench has detailed documentation but for this exercise we just need a little bit of information.

We are going to run the sum_sp and sum_sp_avx benchmarks. The former runs the scalar single-precision sum reduction from the lecture, the latter runs the SIMD sum reduction. We just need to choose the correct setting for the -w argument.

Recall that our goal is to measure single-thread performance of in-cache operations. We therefore need a small vector size, 16kB suffices, and want to request just a single thread. We therefore want -w -S0:16kB:1.

This requests a benchmark running on socket 0, for a vector of length 16kB (4000 single-precision entries), and one thread.

Later we will see how I determined that 16kB was an appropriate size (and that socket 0 was ok).

Running the command likwid-bench -t sum_sp -w S0:16kB:1 you should see output like the following

Allocate: Process running on core 0 (Domain S0) - Vector length 16000 Offset 0 Alignment 1024
Test: sum_sp
Using 1 work groups
Using 1 threads
Group: 0 Thread 0 Global Thread 0 running on core 0 - Vector length 4000 Offset 0
Cycles:                 3187585613
CPU Clock:              2199965642
Cycle Clock:            2199965642
Time:                   1.448925e+00 sec
Iterations:             1048576
Iterations per thread:  1048576
Inner loop executions:  1000
Size:                   16000
Size per thread:        16000
Number of Flops:        4194304000
MFlops/s:               2894.77
Data volume (Byte):     16777216000
MByte/s:                11579.08
Cycles per update:      0.759980
Cycles per cacheline:   12.159674
Loads per update:       1
Stores per update:      0
Instructions:           7340032020
UOPs:                   10485760000

We’re interested in the highlighted MFlops/s line. We can see that this benchmark runs at 2894MFlops/s. The CPU on Hamilton compute nodes is an Intel Broadwell E5-2650 v4, which Intel claim has a max clock frequency of 2.9GHz. So we can see that this benchmark runs at almost exactly 1 scalar ADD per cycle.


Replicate the scalar sum reduction benchmark for yourself, to check you get similar results. Compare the results to the floating point performance obtained when you run the sum_sp_avx benchmark instead of the sum_sp benchmark.


What floating point throughput do you observe for the SIMD (sum_sp_avx) case?


  1. Study what happens to the performance (for both the sum_sp and sum_sp_avx benchmarks) when you vary the size of the vector from 1kB up to 128MB.
  2. Produce a plot of performance with MFlops/s on the y axis and vector size on the x axis comparing the sum_sp and sum_sp_avx benchmarks.

Rather than copying and pasting the output from every run into a data file, you might find it useful to script the individual benchmarking runs. For example, to extract the MFlops/s from the likwid-bench output you can use

likwid-bench -t sum_sp -w S0:16kB:1 | grep MFlops/s | cut -f 3

Scripting the data collection

For different vector sizes, you’ll need to change the size, which can be done with a loop, for example to measure the performance with vector sizes of 1, 2, and 4kB:

for size in 1kB 2kB 4kB; do
  echo $size $(likwid-bench -t sum_sp -w S0:$size:1 | grep MFlops/s | cut -f 3)


What do you observe about the performance of the scalar code and the SIMD code?