This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Measuring memory bandwidth in the memory hierarchy #

The goal is to determine the memory bandwidth as a function of how much data we are moving on the Hamilton cores.

Again, as for the first exercise we will do this with likwid-bench. This time, however, we will use three different benchmarks

  1. clcopy: Double-precision cache line copy, only touches first element of each cache line.
  2. clload: Double-precision cache line load, only loads first element of each cache line.
  3. clstore: Double-precision cache line store, only stores first element of each cache line.

These benchmarks do the minimal amount of work while moving data in cache lines (64 bytes at a time), and therefore exercise the memory bandwidth bottlenecks (rather than instruction issue or similar).

Setup #

Logging in to Hamilton #

As before, you should do this on a compute node on Hamilton. See the quickstart in exercise 1 if you can’t remember how to do this.

Running the benchmarks #

As mentioned, this time we want to measure memory bandwidth with the clcopy, clload, and clstore benchmarks. We’re interested in the (highlighted) MByte/s output of likwid-bench. For example running likwid-bench -t clcopy -w S0:1kB:1 produces output.

Allocate: Process running on core 0 (Domain S0) - Vector length 496 Offset 0 Alignment 512
Allocate: Process running on core 0 (Domain S0) - Vector length 496 Offset 0 Alignment 512
Test: clcopy
Using 1 work groups
Using 1 threads
Group: 0 Thread 0 Global Thread 0 running on core 0 - Vector length 62 Offset 0
Cycles:                 3057482699
CPU Clock:              2199869128
Cycle Clock:            2199869128
Time:                   1.389848e+00 sec
Iterations:             268435456
Iterations per thread:  268435456
Inner loop executions:  2
Size:                   992
Size per thread:        992
Number of Flops:        0
MFlops/s:               0.00
Data volume (Byte):     266287972352
MByte/s:                191595.10
Cycles per update:      0.183710
Cycles per cacheline:   1.469679
Loads per update:       1
Stores per update:      1
Load/store ratio:       1.00
Instructions:           2952790032
UOPs:                   3758096384


Produce a plot of memory bandwidth as a function of the size vector being streamed from 1kB up to 1GB for each of the three different benchmarks.

As before, you can script this data collection with a bash loop.


What do you observe about the available memory bandwidth? Is the bandwidth the same for 1kB and 1GB vectors?


Use likwid-topology to find out about the different sizes of cache available on the system. You can find out how to use it by providing the -h command-line flag. The graphical output is most useful.


Can you use the output from likwid-topology to explain and understand your memory bandwidth results?