This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Finding a hotspot and determining the execution limits #

So far, we’ve only run very simple benchmarks. Now we’re going to try and find some information in a larger code. We will look at the miniMD application which has been developed as part of the Mantevo project. This is a molecular dynamics code that implements algorithms and data structures from a large research code, but in a small package that is amenable to benchmarking and trying out different optimisations.

The aim is to run and profile the code to determine where it spends all its time, and then dig a little deeper using likwid markers and the performance counters API.

Download and compile #

miniMD is maintained on GitHub, so after logging in to Hamilton, you can get the source code with

git clone

The code is parallelised with MPI, so we need to load some modules to make the right compilers available.

module load gcc/8.2.0
module load intel/2019.5
module load intelmpi/intel/2019.6

We will compile the “reference” implementation which is the in ref subdirectory. The build system uses make, so first we’ll just compile and check things work. Run make intel. You should see some output, which ends with

size ../miniMD_intel
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
 219867   20880    2304  243051   3b56b ../miniMD_intel
make[1]: Leaving directory `.../miniMD/ref/Obj_intel'

You can check the compilation was successful with make test

Compile and run with profiling enabled #

Having verified the code runs correctly, we will now recompile with profiling enabled. First run make clean to delete the executable. You will need to edit the file to add -pg to the compile and link flags (do this by modifying the CCFLAGS and LINKFLAGS variables). Now run make intel again.

For more information on gprof, the HPC centre at Lawrence Livermore have a useful introductory tutorial.


  1. Profile the default run on a compute node. This should produce a gmon.out file.
  2. Produce the gprofile output with gprof ./miniMD_Intel gmon.out (if it scrolls off the screen, you can redirect the output to a text file by appending > SOMETEXTFILE.txt to the command and then look at it in an editor)


Where does the code spend most of its time?


miniMD implements a few different algorithms which can be selected with command line options and choosing the right input file. Run profiling for the following sets of options.

  1. ./miniMD_intel -i in.lj.miniMD --half_neigh 0
  2. ./miniMD_intel -i in.lj.miniMD --half_neigh 1
  3. ./miniMD_intel -i in.eam.miniMD --half_neigh 0
  4. ./miniMD_intel -i in.eam.miniMD --half_neigh 1


Do you always see the same functions at the top of the profile?
Note: a program instrumented with gprof will always write its output to gmon.out (overwriting any previous information). So you should make sure to move the gmon.out from each run to a unique name (perhaps describing briefly what you did) before running the next benchmark.

Generating graphical call graphs from gprof output #

Inspecting the gprof output just as a text file can be slightly hard to understand. A clearly overview can often be obtained by creating a visualisation of the call graph. We can do this with gprof2dot which is a Python package that turns gprof (and other profiling output) into the dot graph format. This can then be converted to PDF, PNG, or other graphical formats (see the graphviz documentation for more details).

Minimally, having installed gprof2dot and graphviz, you can generate a call graph. First, you need to convert the gmon.out to the textual format, with gprof ./miniMD_intel gmon.out > gmon-output.txt. Then run gprof2dot gmon-output.txt -o Finally, use dot -Tpdf -o callgraph.pdf to generate a PDF.

Instrumenting hotspot functions with likwid #

Having determined which functions are the hotspots, we’ll try and get some more information about their performance. For this, we will use likwid-perfctr and its marker API. We’ll therefore need the likwid tools, so module load likwid/5.0.1 (remember that you will need to do this in the batch script, or on the compute node too).

To do this, you will need to find the locations in the source files of the functions you identified. A simple thing to do is to use grep to find the locations. Running grep -n NAME_OF_FUNCTION *.cpp will search for NAME_OF_FUNCTION in all the cpp files and print matches, along with line numbers.

For instrumentation with the marker API, we need to add start/stop markers in the functions we care about, and also switch the markers on in the main program. To get the relevant definitions in each file you’ve identified as relevant, add the following after the existing includes.

#include <likwid.h>
#define LIKWID_MARKER_START(a) do { (void)a; } while (0)
#define LIKWID_MARKER_STOP(a) do { (void)a; } while (0)
#define LIKWID_MARKER_INIT do { } while (0)
#define LIKWID_MARKER_THREADINIT do { } while (0)
#define LIKWID_MARKER_CLOSE do { } while (0)
#define LIKWID_MARKER_REGISTER(a) do { (void)a; } while (0)
#endif  /* LIKWID_PERFMON */

Then for each function you want to instrument in that file add


at the beginning of the function and


before the function returns.

Be careful to check that the function doesn’t return anywhere before reaching the LIKWID_MARKER_STOP call.

Finally, edit ljs.cpp and add the includes near the top of the file (as before). In the main function, add


at the beginning of the function and


at the end (before the return).

Lastly, we need to add some more flags in the makefile, so edit and remove -pg from both CCFLAGS and LINKFLAGS. You’ll then need to add -DLIKWID_PERFMON to CCFLAGS and -DLIKWID_PERFMON -llikwid to LINKFLAGS. Finally, we’re ready to rebuild everything, so run make intel.

If you run ./miniMD_intel on its own, everything should work, but you should see Running without Marker API. Activate Marker API with -m on commandline. being printed (this indicates that we managed to successfully add all the performance monitoring, but are not yet using likwid-perfctr).


Run a profile of the memory and floating point performance using likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g MEM_DP -m ./miniMD_intel -i in.lj.miniMD --half_neigh 1.


What computational intensity do you observe? For this computational intensity, is the code at the roofline limit?


Try the same profiling, but this time with with --half_neigh 0 and the in.eam.miniMD input file.


Do you notice any differences in the profiles?


Can you suggest some next steps to try and improve performance?