Loop tiling matrix-matrix multiplication
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Simple loop tiling for matrix-matrix multiplication #

Having looked at the effect of loop tiling schemes for increasing the throughput of matrix transpose operations in exercise 7, we’re now going to look at throughput of the loop-tiling scheme presented in lectures for matrix-matrix multiplication. I provide an implementation of matrix-matrix multiplication in code/exercise08/gemm.c that provides three different variants. A naive triple loop, a tiled version of the triple loop, and a tiled version that manually packs local buffers.

Compiling the code #

We’ll use the intel compiler to build this code. So after logging in to Hamilton and downloading, load the relevant modules

module load gcc/8.2.0
module load intel/2019.5

The code can be compiled with icc -O3 -xHOST -o gemm gemm.c.

Compare the variants #

You can run the different implemented variants with ./gemm N VARIANT where N is the matrix size and VARIANT is one of BASIC, TILED, or TILEDPACKED.

For the TILED and TILEDPACKED variants, the matrix size must be a multiple of the tile size (which is 64 by default).


Run the code with matrix sizes from 64 up to 2048.


Which version performs the best?

Inspecting optimisation reports #

You probably noticed that the TILEDPACKED variant performed very badly. Before measuring anything, we can look at more detailed output from the compiler to see if we spot anything suspicious.

The Intel compiler can provide excellent diagnostics on what it was doing when compiling code. Run the compile command again, this time with icc -O3 -xHOST -qopt-report=5 -qopt-report-file=no-simd-reduction.txt -o gemm gemm.c. Look in the resulting no-simd-reduction.txt file and search for tiled_packed_gemm (the name of the routine that performs worse than expected).


Do you see anything in the optimisation report that stands out as interesting?

In this case, it seems that we need to give the compiler a hint as to how to proceed. It did not vectorise the inner loop because it couldn’t prove that it was safe to do so. However, we know it is safe, so I’ve added some annotations to the relevant loop. Instead of having

for (p = 0; p < TILESIZE; p++) {
  c[j_*ldc + i_] += apack[i*TILESIZE + p] * bpack[j*TILESIZE + p];

I use OpenMP pragma annotations to instruct the compiler to vectorise the loop

double c_ = 0;
#pragma omp simd reduction (+: c_)
for (p = 0; p < TILESIZE; p++) {
  c_ += apack[i*TILESIZE + p] * bpack[j*TILESIZE + p];
c[j_*ldc + i_] += c_;


Try compiling again, this time adding -DSIMD_REDUCTION to the compile line (and changing the output file for the optimisation report to simd-reduction.txt


Look at the new optimisation report and see what the compiler reports this time.

Did it manage to vectorise the loop?


Benchmark this new version of the TILEDPACKED variant using the same set of matrix sizes as before.


Do you observe any change in the performance?

The effects of tiling on memopry movement #

As usual, this example is also annotated with likwid markers. We’ll use likwid-perfctr to measure the effect of loop tiling on the total data movement and measured arithmetic intensity for a large matrix. We’ll need to recompile with likwid enabled for this, so module load likwid/5.0.1 and recompile, adding -DLIKWID_PERFMON -llikwid to the compilation flags.


Measure the memory and floating point performance for the three different variatnts using \(N = 3072\) using the MEM_DP group.


What do you observe in terms of arithmetic intensity and the total volume of data moved from main memory?

Can you relate this to the simple model we set up in lectures?