Compiler feedback and the BLIS DGEMM
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Getting compilers to the right thing #

We’re going to look at how to convince the compiler to vectorise a loop the way we want it to.

As our starting point we’ll use a C version of the GEMM micro-kernel used in the BLIS framework.

Rather than doing this on Hamilton, since we’re not actually going to run the code, we will use the Compiler explorer which is an online frontend to trying out lots of different compilers. I’ve set up a pre-filled version.

Does vectorisation occur #

Use -xBROADWELL -O2 as the optimsation flags. What does the vectorisation report say? Which loop was vectorised?

The default blocking factors (MR and NR) are both 1. Given that AVX registers can hold four doubles, it makes sense to use larger blocks.


Try with some larger blocks and -O3 instead of -O2


Which loop, if any, was vectorised this time?

Vectorising the correct loops #

Since the i loop is stride-1, it really makes sense to vectorise the innermost loop. Try and convince the compiler to do so.


Compare the estimated speedup the compiler reports for the original loop vectorisation choice and the new one.

What do you observe?

Providing more detailed information #

Part of the problem is that the compiler assumes that the array accesses are not aligned to cache line boundaries (or vector registers). Its cost model knows that these are more expensive than if the data are aligned. However, this drives some bad decisions. We can help the compiler by letting it know the byte alignment of the arrays. Use __assume_aligned(PTR, 64) to promise to the compiler that the given pointer is 64-byte aligned.


Try adding alignment assumptions before the start of the loop nest.

What happens to the estimated speedup?

Trying to maximise throughput #

One thing you may have noticed is that the compiler performs a loop interchange. We have a triply nested loop

for (l = 0; l < ...; l++) /* loop 1 */
  for (j = 0; j < ...; j++) /* loop 2 */
    for (i = 0; i < ...; i++) /* loop 3 */

But when I run things, I see that the compiler reports it reordered the loops from order (1 2 3) to (2 1 3). It then attempts to vectorise the innermost loop and unroll the middle loop. This loop is now not fixed length.

Again, this is an example where the compiler’s cost model is incorrect. We can help it out again by telling it to unroll the j loop with #pragma unroll.

We now need to pick good values for the NR and MR parameters. Broadwell chips have 16 AVX registers, which is enough to store 64 double precision numbers. Given this information, what do you think the best blocking factors might be. Note that since B[j] is not stride-1 in the innermost loop, to vectorise the FMA, we need to replicate the value of B[j] over all lanes of the vector register. That is, inside the i loop, we need as many registers for B as the unroll factor of the j loop.


What’s the maximum estimated speedup you can achieve?

Putting it together #

The subdirectory code/exercise09/blis-gemm/ contains a complete implementation of this scheme (I don’t have optimal parameters though). You can edit the parameters.h file to set the blocking parameters MR and NR, you’ll also need to edit micro-kernel.c to annotate the loops with the pragmas you found to be useful on the compiler explorer.


Set all blocking five blocking parameters in parameters.h to 1, and compile the code. Keep track of the values for MC, KC, and NC since we’ll use them later.

Run for a range of matrix sizes between 100 and 2000. What performance do you observe?


Now restore the values for MC, KC, and NC, and use your good parameters for MR and NR. Recompile and rerun the benchmarking. What performance do you observe now?


In addition to having good parameters, now add the pragmas to the micro kernel in micro-kernel.c and rerun the same experiments again. What performance do you observe now?

Last time I tried this, I found that I needed to stop the micro_kernel being inlined by the Intel compiler for really good performance, so change the signature to be

static void micro_kernel(...)

Rerun again, do you observe any further differences?

How close to peak performance does the code get?