Stencil layer conditions
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Loop tiling for stencil codes #

We’re going to investigate the layer condition loop tiling guidance for stencil codes. We’ll use as an exemplar the five-point finite difference stencil for the Laplacian on a regular grid in code/exercise10/fivepoint.c.

The layer condition model was developed by a group at Erlangen, and they provide an interactive calculator.

As usual, we’re going to use the Intel compiler on Hamilton, so after logging in and downloading the code, load the relevant modules

module load gcc/8.2.0
module load intel/2019.5

The code can be compiled with icc -xBROADWELL -O3 -o fivepoint fivepoint.c.

Throughput of untiled loops #

The code runs and reports performance in MLUP/s (millions of lattice updates per second). You can control both the number of rows of the grid (the innermost loop) and the number of columns.

For fewer than 10,000 rows, set the number of columns equal to the number of rows. For more than 10,000 rows, keep the product of rows and columns approximately constant at \(10^9\).


What happens to the performance when you vary the number of rows from 1000 up to 100,000,000?


Produce a plot of MLUP/s against row size.


Do you observe any tell-tale drops in performance?

Throughput of tiled loops #


Repeat the above study, this time with the tiled version. Try calculating appropriate blocking sizes for both L2 and L3 caches using the layer condition we discussed in lectures. Add the performance you achieve with the two different blocking factors to your plot of the untiled code.


What do you observe?

Validation of the data movement model #

Load the likwid/5.0.1 module, and recompile the code with likwid-perfctr support. icc -xBROADWELL -O3 -DLIKWID_PERFMON -o fivepoint fivepoint.c -llikwid. The update loop is instrumented with likwid markers. Measure the MEM_DP group.


What is the measured number of bytes of data required per LUP?

Does it match your expectations?

Vectorisation #

Look again at the performance counters. Did the compiler manage to vectorise this code at all? Ask the intel compiler for an optimisation report to see if you can work out why it was, or was not, vectorised. If no vectorisation was enabled, see if you can convince the compiler to vectorise through judicious use of #pragma omp simd annotations.


Does managing to enable vectorisation change any of the results of the previous sections at all?