This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Resources in stored program computers #

To understand the performance of a code, we need to have an understanding of what hardware resources it uses, and what resources the hardware provides.

All modern general purpose hardware uses a von Neumann architecture. That is, there is a memory which stores both the program code to be executed and the data for the program. This is attached to a processor (CPU) which contains execution units for executing individual instructions in the program code along with further parts of logical control and load/store of data.

High level view of processor architecture and resource use

High level view of processor architecture and resource use

From a (simplified) hardware designer’s point of view, the primary resource of the processor is instruction execution. The primary hardware design goal is to increase instruction throughput (instructions/second).

Hence, all instructions are considered “work” by processor designers. Unfortunately, there is a mistmatch here, because not all instructions are considered to be “work” by software developers (you!).

Resource bottleneck: instruction throughput #

As a simple example, consider some code to add two arrays together

void add_arrays(int N, double * restrict a, const double * restrict b)
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    a[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Programmer view

This loop does \(N\) floating point additions, the work is therefore \(N\) flops.

Processor view

When compiled, this loop is translated into (approximately) the following sequence of instructions (in assembly “pseudo-code”)

LOAD r1 with a[i]
LOAD r2 with b[i]
ADD r2 to r1 into r1
STORE a[i] with r1
GOTO .top IF i less than N

So the processor sees the work as \(6 N\) instructions.

The actual loop, when compiled with GCC looks like this

movsd   (%rsi,%rax,8), %xmm0
addsd   (%rdx,%rax,8), %xmm0
movsd   %xmm0, (%rsi,%rax,8)
addq    $1, %rax
cmpq    %rdi, %rax
jne     .L3

You can explore this in more detail, if you like, on the compiler explorer

Resource bottleneck: data transfers #

From the point of view of instruction execution, data movement (from the memory to the CPU and back again) is a consequence of instruction execution and therefore considered a secondary resource. The throughput is measured in bytes/second (or bandwidth) and is determined by two things

  1. Hardware limitations
  2. The rate at which load and store instructions (which move data) can be executed.

For example, returning to our simple example and just considering the instructions which move memory, we can see that there are three such instructions per loop iteration.

LOAD r1 with a[i]
LOAD r2 with b[i]
STORE a[i] with r1

As written, the code adds double precision floating point numbers, each of which is 8 bytes. The loop therefore requires 24 bytes of data movement per loop iteration.

Understanding performance limits #

To understand the performance of a code, and more importantly its performance limits, we must to first order answer the question


What is the resource bottleneck?

In this simple model it is either data transfer or instruction execution. In the rest of the course we’ll see how to answer these question through a combination of measurements and models.

Real hardware and abstract models #

Programming languages abstract away details of the hardware (for example how many registers, or how much memory the chip has). The abstract model adopted is the von Neumann model. We logically consider a sequential stream of instructions and the abstract hardware sequentially executes instructions. In this model each instruction completes before the next one starts

Diagram of the abstract machine model for the von Neumann architecture

Diagram of the abstract machine model for the von Neumann architecture

This was a reasonable match with reality when first introduced in the 1940s, however the hardware in modern CPUs does not match the abstract model nearly as well. For a simple example, most instructions in modern chips have a latency of more than one clock cycle.

To make our discussion independent of the frequency at which a chip is executing, we’ll count time in terms of clock “cycles”. For example, a 1GHz processor runs at one billion cycles per second.

Let’s consider our addition loop as a simple example again

LOAD r1 with a[i]
LOAD r2 with b[i]
ADD r2 to r1 into r1
STORE a[i] with r1

Suppose that our CPU can execute one instruction per cycle. If every instruction has a latency of one cycle, then there are no “wasted” cycles in this loop.

On the other hand, if ADD has a latency of three cycles, then there are two wasted cycles when the CPU is doing nothing (between the ADD and the STORE). This is shown graphically below.

Comparison of throughput for different ADD latencies with time (in clock cycles) running from left to right

Comparison of throughput for different ADD latencies with time (in clock cycles) running from left to right

Strategies for faster chips #

Trying to maintain the illusion offered by the abstract model, while squeezing more performance out of the actual hardware, has been a driving goal in chip design for a while. There are a number of different ways this can be achieved with the end goal of increasing instruction throughput. The simplest, and nicest for the programmer, is to increase clock speed.

Suppose that I change the base frequency of a chip from 1GHz to 2GHz, and leave everything else the same. The instruction throughput doubles. This is wonderful for me as a programmer, all the code I write just suddenly goes faster.

Unfortunately, this approach has not really been viable for 15 years. The reason is that when I run a chip at higher frequency it generates more heat, which must be dissipated. So we’ve run into physical limitations on cooling.

What chip designers have been turning to is to provide more parallelism on the chip. For example, they can’t give you one 4GHz CPU, but they can easily give you four 1GHz CPUs. This will have the same throughput if there are no dependencies between all the work (and you can split it up). Unfortunately, this has moved the problem from the hardware designer onto the programmer.

Handling latency #

There are some tricks available to the hardware designer that they use to increase instruction throughput. These are all examples of how the actual hardware is doing something more complicated than the abstraction von Neumann model.

We’ll briefly mention three:

  1. Superscalar execution
  2. Pipelining
  3. Out of order execution

Typical CPUs can issue more than one instruction per cycle (modern Intel CPUs can issue up to four per cycle). As long are there are no data dependencies between instructions, we can therefore increase throughput.

For our simple addition example, the two loads are independent, so superscalar execution might look something like the figure below.

Superscalar execution saves one cycle.

Superscalar execution saves one cycle.

Achieving peak performance actually requires that the code we write utilises this facility, we’ll see that when we look at floating point throughput [later](TODO LINK).

Another mechanism to fight instruction latency is pipelining. Most instructions have a latency of more than one cycle, meaning that if we issue and wait for the result, we have lots of wasted cycles. Chips therefore tend to have a pipeline for instructions, on the assumption that codes will typically issue a large number of instructions that are the same (just operating on different data).

Here’s an example with a pipeline of length four. Each individual instruction takes four cycles to execute, but we can have four instructions “in flight” simultaneously (in the pipeline). So once the pipeline is full, we observe throughput of one instruction per cycle (rather than one instruction every four cycles).

Pipelines can hide latency if many identical instructions are issued.

Pipelines can hide latency if many identical instructions are issued.

Finally, the technique in a hardware designer’s toolbox that takes us the furthest away from the von Neumann model is that of out-of-order execution. Our program feeds in instructions in some order to the CPU one at a time, however, the CPU does not typically execute those instructions in the order they are provided. Instead, instructions are reordered based on availability of input data and execution units (while still requiring that data dependencies are obeyed).

This is a powerful technique to keep execution units busy and avoid NOOP bubbles in the instruction stream. As an example, consider two iterations of our addition loop, where we recall that the ADD instruction has a three cycle latency. By interleaving the instructions from the second iteration before the store of the first iteration, we can completely hide the ADD latency.

Out of order execution hides instruction latency

Out of order execution hides instruction latency

Data parallelism #

In this course we will focus almost exclusively on single-core performance. The rationale for this is that it single-core and multi-core + distributed memory parallelism are somewhat orthogonal. It’s best to start “at the bottom”.

Let’s remind ourselves of the problem, we’ll take our toy example summing arrays

void add_arrays(int N, double * restrict a, const double * restrict b)
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    a[i] = a[i] + b[i];

We’ve seen that instruction throughput can be a bottleneck here. One way that chip designers have fixed this is to make individual instructions operate on more data at once. This is termed vectorisation.

Intel CPUs have vector registers, exactly which ones depends a little on the vintage, that are either 128, 256, or 512 bits wide. What does this mean?

If we restrict ourselves to thinking about double precision values (which take up 64 bits) then each register can hold between two and eight such values. The slots in the register are called vector lanes.

Vector registers, showing slots for double precision values.

Vector registers, showing slots for double precision values.

The idea is that these registers hold multiple values, and the instructions in which they take part operate on multiple values in one go.

Scalar addition

Standard scalar operations for this addition loop produce one output element per instruction

AVX addition

AVX addition (256 bit registers) produces four output elements per instruction.

Putting things into practice #

With all that, we’re now going to look at what this means for the execution speed of simple code. Exercise 1 walks through an example of a simple “reduction”. You can think of this as a proxy for computing the dot product of two vectors. We’ll look at the effect of vectorisation on throughput.