The memory hierarchy
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

An overview of memory hierarchies #

Reduction benchmark #

In exercise 1 you looked at the performance of a vectorised and non-vectorised version of a very simple loop computing the sum of an array of floating point numbers.

In doing so, you produced a plot of the performance (in terms of floating point throughput) as a function of array size. You should have observed something similar to that shown here.

Scalar and AVX-enabled throughput of vector dot product as measured with likwid-bench.

Scalar and AVX-enabled throughput of vector dot product as measured with likwid-bench.

We see that the SIMD (vectorised) code has four distinct performance plateaus as a function of the array size, whereas the scalar code has only two.

On this hardware (Broadwell), the chip can issue up to one floating point ADD (scalar or vector) per cycle. The peak clock speed is 2.9GHz. So the peak scalar throughput of addition is 2.9GFlops/s, while the peak vector throughput is \(2.9 \times 8 = 23.2\)GFlops/s.

How do I know the instruction issue rate? It is advertised in some of the Intel optimisation manuals. It’s also in Agner Fog’s reference on instruction latency, see the table for Intel Broadwell, starting on page 232. Alternatively, I can go to μ and look at their interactive table.

We can see that the vector code achieves peak throughput for small vectors, but not large ones. Let us try and understand why.

Remember that as well as thinking about the primary resource of instruction throughput, we also need to consider whether data transfers are producing the bottleneck. For this, we need to consider the memory hierarchy.

Memory hierarchy #

In the von Neumann model, program code and data must be transferred from memory to the CPU (and back again). To speed up computation we can increase the speed at which instructions execute. We can also reduce the time it takes to move data between the memory and the CPU.

In an ideal world, to process lots of data very fast, we would have large (in terms of storage) and fast (in terms of transfer speed) memory. Unfortunately, physics gets in the way, and we can pick one of

  1. small and fast
  2. large and slow

In fact, there is a sliding scale here, as we make the storage capacity smaller we can make the memory faster, and vice versa.

We have something close to the following picture

As memory gets larger, it must become slower, both in latency and bandwidth

As memory gets larger, it must become slower, both in latency and bandwidth

Typical CPUs have three or more levels of cache that get both larger and slower as we get closer to main memory (and further in latency from the CPU). So we’ll often refer to L1 or L2 cache (or similar).

To explore these latencies in more depth (and see how they’ve changed over time), see latency numbers every programmer should know.

Caches #

Having identified the high level problem that we can’t make large, fast memory, what can chip designers do about it? The answer (on CPUs at least) is caches. As usual, wikipedia has a pretty detailed description, we’ll cover the main points here.

The idea is that we add a hierarchy of small, fast memory. These keep a copy of frequently used data and are used to speed up access. Except in certain special cases, it’s not possible to know which data will be used frequently. As a consequence, caches rely on a principle of locality.

As an analogy, consider implementing an algorithm from a textbook. You have the textbook on the shelf, but the first time you go to find something you need to get the book, search its index, flip to the correct page and start reading. Now, you think you understand, so you put the textbook away again on the shelf. Then you carry on with your implementation and realise you need to refer to the next page in the book, so you go back to the shelf, grab the book, flip to the correct page and reacquaint yourself with notation and continue working. This is slow. A more efficient thing to do would be to leave the textbook on your desk until you’re definitely finished with it (or your desk becomes full and you need space for another one). In analogy with memory accesses, this is exactly what caches enable: fast lookup to frequently used information.

Principle of locality #

It is normally not possible to decide before execution exactly which data will be needed frequently (and is therefore suitable for caching). In practice, most programs either do (or could) exhibit locality of data access. If we want our code to run fast, then we need to restructure any algorithm to make best use of this locality.

There are two types of locality that caches exploit

Temporal locality #

This can be summarised pithily as:

If I access data at some memory address, it is likely that I will do so again “soon”.

The idea is that the first time we access an address, it is loaded from main memory and stored in the cache. We pay a small penalty for the first load (because the store to cache is not completely free), but subsequent accesses to that address use the copy in the cache and are much faster.

As an example, consider a simple loop

float s[16] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  s[i%16] += a[i];

where $N \gg 16$. In this case, each entry in s will be accessed multiple times, exhibiting temporal locality, and it makes sense to keep all of s in cache.

Spatial locality #

Pithily summarised as

If I access data at some memory address, it is likely that I will access neighbouring memory addresses.

Again, when accessing an address for the first time, we load it from main memory and store it in the cache. Additionally, we guess (or hope) that neighbouring addresses will also be used. So if we loaded an address a, we also load and store the data at addresses a+1, a+2 (say). We pay a penalty for the first load (because we’re moving more data), but hope that the next load is for a+1 which will be fast.

Consider the same loop again.

float s[16] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  s[i%16] += a[i];

Access to a exhibits spatial locality. It makes sense when loading a[i] to also load a[i+1] since it will be used in the next iteration.

High-level design of caches #

To understand how to write software that deals with caches efficiently, it is helpful to understand a little of how they work in hardware.

Each piece of data in our program is uniquely identifiable by its address in memory. This is a 32 or (these days usually) 64bit value which refers to a single byte in memory.

Let’s look at this. In C we can use the %p format specifier to print the address of a pointer in hexadecimal. We can also, with a bit of trickery, print it in binary.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

static char *format_binary(uintptr_t x, char *b)
  /* Assumes little-endian */
  const unsigned nbits = sizeof(uintptr_t)*CHAR_BIT;
  const unsigned nseps = nbits / 8;
  b += nbits + nseps - 1;
  *b = '\0';
  for (int z = 0; z < nbits; z++) {
    if (z && !(z % 8)) {
      *(--b) = '_';
    *(--b) = '0' + ((x>>z) & 0x1);
  return b;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int a = 1;
  double *b = malloc(4*sizeof(*b));
  int *c = malloc(4*sizeof(*c));
  char buf[sizeof(uintptr_t)*CHAR_BIT + (sizeof(uintptr_t)*CHAR_BIT)/8];

  printf("Address of a    is: %p %s\n", &a,
         format_binary((uintptr_t)&a, buf));
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    printf("Address of b[%d] is: %p %s\n", i, &b[i],
           format_binary((uintptr_t)&b[i], buf));
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    format_binary((uintptr_t)&c[i], buf);
    printf("Address of c[%d] is: %p %s\n", i, &c[i],
           format_binary((uintptr_t)&c[i], buf));
  return 0;

Compile and run it with

$ cc -o print-address print-address.c
$ ./print-address
Address of a    is: 0x7ffee015022c 00000000_00000000_01111111_11111110_11100000_00010101_00000010_00101100

Address of b[0] is: 0x7fa6e0405820 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_00100000
Address of b[1] is: 0x7fa6e0405828 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_00101000
Address of b[2] is: 0x7fa6e0405830 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_00110000
Address of b[3] is: 0x7fa6e0405838 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_00111000

Address of c[0] is: 0x7fa6e0405840 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_01000000
Address of c[1] is: 0x7fa6e0405844 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_01000100
Address of c[2] is: 0x7fa6e0405848 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_01001000
Address of c[3] is: 0x7fa6e040584c 00000000_00000000_01111111_10100110_11100000_01000000_01011000_01001100

You may get different values.

We see that each array has values with contiguous addresses. In building our cache, we need to decide how to store a value at a given address in our cache.

The simplest form of cache is a direct-mapped cache (more complicated caches are built out of these). Suppose it can store $2^N$ bytes of data. We divide it into blocks, each of $2^M$ bytes ($M < N$). Each address references one byte, so we need to use $N$ bits of the address to select which slot in the cache to use. A picture can help

Schematic of a cache with block size $2^M$ and capacity $2^N$

Schematic of a cache with block size $2^M$ and capacity $2^N$

We reserve the lowest $N$ bits of the address (the rightmost) to compute a 2D cache location. Each address is mapped into one of the $2^{N-M}$ blocks. The correct byte is located with the lowest $M$ bits. Finally the high bits of the address are used as a key.

Data are loaded into the cache one block at a time (these are also called cache lines). So if we access an address that access byte 4 of block 2 (say), then we load data from an address that lives at byte 0 of block 2 up to byte $2^M$.

Data are loaded in full cache lines, even when we only request a single byte.

Data are loaded in full cache lines, even when we only request a single byte.

By loading data in cache lines, we immediately exploit spatial locality. The optimal size of the block is a function of the total cache size and the particular data access patterns. So almost all CPUs have arrived at the same tradeoff of using a 64 Byte cache line.

A consequence of this loading strategy is that cache-friendly algorithms work on cache line sized chunks of data at a time. That is, we should endeavour, when loading data, to use the entire cache line.

Eviction from caches #

Recall that our cache is much smaller than the total size of main memory. So it is possible that we will want to load more data than fit in a cache. If two different addresses have the same low bit pattern, they will be mapped to the same location in the cache. We only have space to store one of them, so we have a conflict.

Since the more recently requested data is required now, our resolution is to evict the older data and replace it with the new address (this is an LRU (least recently used) eviction policy).

Let’s think about what can go wrong with this policy. Consider a simple example where we perform the following loop.

int a[64];
int b[64];
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
    r += a[j] + b[j];

Let’s imagine executing this on a system where each int requires four bytes and we have a single direct-mapped cache with total size 1KB and a 32 byte cache line. So we have $N = 10$ and $M=5$ and there are 32 lines in the cache.

Each cache line therefore holds eight ints, and we need eight cache lines for a and eight cache lines for b. This is 16 total lines which is less than the cache size (so everything should be fine?).

A problem occurs if entries in a and b map to the same cache lines. In this circumstance, an entry from a will be loaded, filling a line, then an entry from b will be loaded, filling the same line and evicting a. Then we move to the next iteration where we load a, evicting b and so forth.

In the worst case, a and b map to exactly the same lines and we reduce the effective size of a cache from 1KB to 32bytes.

This phenomenon is known as cache thrashing, there’s a nice worked example here, that page also has some other worked examples on mapping arrays into caches.

To avoid mitigate against this problem, actual CPUs normally have slightly more complicated caches. Typically they use $k$-way set associative caches.

A $k$-way set associative cache behave like k “copies” of a direct mapped cache. Each block of main memory can map to one of $k$ cache lines, which are termed sets. Usually, hardware designers choose $k \in \{2, 4, 8, 16\}$. For example, Intel Skylake chips have $k = 8$ for level 1 caches, $k = 16$ for level 2, and $k = 11$ for level 3.

A $k$-way cache, can handle up to $k$ different addresses mapping to the same cache location without a reduction in the perceived size of the cache. This comes at a cost of increased complexity in the chip design, and marginally increased latency: looking up and loading data from a direct-mapped cache is slightly faster than looking it up in a $k$-way cache.

However, they are not a silver bullet, as soon as we are handling more than $k$ addresses that might map to the same location, we have the same eviction problem.

Programming cache friendly algorithms #

To mitigate against some of these effects, if we know that the data we’ll be working on should fit in cache it is sometimes beneficial to explicitly copy it into an appropriate sized buffer and then work on the buffer. We will see an example of this in exercise 8.

Measurement of cache bandwidth #

As well as providing lower latency data access, caches also provide larger memory bandwidth (the rate at which data can be fetched from the cache to the CPU).

We can use likwid-bench to measure memory bandwidth. In exercise 2 you should do this to determine the cache and main memory bandwidth on the Hamilton cores. We will use this to construct a predictive model of the floating point throughput of the reduction from exercise 1.


Now is a good time to attempt exercise 2.

FIXME: add results

A predictive model for reductions #

Let us remind ourselves of the code we want to predict the performance of

C code

float reduce(int N, 
             const double *restrict a)
  float c = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    c += a[i];
  return c;

Vectorised pseudo-assembly

LOAD [r1.0, ..., r1.7] ← 0
i ← 0
  LOAD [r2.0, ..., r2.7] ← [a[i], ..., a[i+7]]
  ADD r1 ← r1 + r2 ; SIMD ADD
  i ← i + 8
  if i < N: loop
result ← r1.0 + r1.1 + ... + r1.7

The accumulation parameter c is held in a register. At each iteration of the vectorised loop, we load eight elements of a into a second register. Since each float value takes 4 bytes, this means that each iteration of the loop requires 32 bytes of data.

If you don’t know the size (in bytes) of C datatypes off the top of your head, you can always determine them by writing some C code to print them out using sizeof:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
  printf("Size of float: %lu\n", sizeof(float));
Size in bits
If we want to know how many bits there are in a byte, we should technically check the value of the macro CHAR_BIT (defined in <limits.h>). On all systems you are likely to encounter, it is 8. See CPP reference on sizeof for more information.

Recall that we can run one ADD per cycle. To keep up with the addition, the memory movement must therefore deliver 32 bytes/cycle.

At 2.9GHz, this translates to a sustained load bandwidth of

$$ 32 \text{bytes/cycle} \times 2.9 \times 10^9 \text{cycle/s} = 92.8\text{Gbyte/s}. $$

Let’s match this up with our measurements.

L1 bandwidth #

The smallest (and fastest) cache is the level one (or L1) cache. On this hardware, we observe a sustained load bandwidth of around 300Gbyte/s. Hence, when the data fit in L1 (less than 32KB), the speed of executing the ADD instruction is the limit.

L2 bandwidth #

The next level of cache is level two (L2). This provides around 80Gbyte/s or 27bytes/cycle. Since \( 27 < 32 \), we can’t reach the floating point peak when the data fit in L2. The best we can hope for is

$$ 2.9 \times 8 \times \frac{27}{32} = 19.6\text{GFlops/s}. $$

L3 and main memory bandwidth #

We apply the same idea to the level three (L3) cache and main memory. L3 provides around 36Gbyte/s or 12bytes/cycle. We obtain an upper limit of

$$ 2.9 \times 8 \times \frac{12}{32} = 8.7\text{GFlops/s} $$

For main memory, the memory bandwidth is around 13Gbyte/s or 4.5bytes/cycle, and the peak is approximately 3.25GFlops/s.

Let’s redraw our floating point throughput graph, this time annotating it with these predicted performance limits.

AVX-enabled throughput of sum reduction as measured with likwid-bench. Annotated with simple performance limits from our measurements of cache bandwidth.

AVX-enabled throughput of sum reduction as measured with likwid-bench. Annotated with simple performance limits from our measurements of cache bandwidth.

We can see that this simple model does a pretty good job of predicting the performance of our test code.

Stepping back #

This idea of predicting performance based on resource limits is a powerful one, and we will return to it through the rest of the course.


As a practice, see if you can come up with throughput limits for the following piece of code

void stream_triad(int N, float * restrict a,
                  const float * restrict b,
                  const float * restrict c,
                  const float alpha)
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    a[i] = b[i]*alpha + c[i];

The Broadwell chips on Hamilton can execute up to two loads and one store per cycle. To determine the floating point limit (assuming no memory constraints) note that this operation perfectly matches a “fused multiply add”

a_i ← b_i * alpha + c_i

Which is implemented as a single instruction FMA. Broadwell chips can execute up to two FMA instructions per cycle.

We will revisit this in a later exercise.

Scalable and saturating resources #

Although most of the focus in this course is on single core performance, it is worthwhile taking a little time to consider how resource use changes when we involve more cores. All modern chips have more than one core on them. Some of the resources on a chip are therefore private to each core, and some are shared. In particular, the floating point units are private: adding more cores increasing the total floating point throughput. In contrast, the main memory is shared between cores, so adding more cores does not increase the memory bandwidth.

We can ask likwid, using likwid-topology to provide us some information on the layout of the system we are running on. It produces a schematic of the core and memory layout in ASCII, similar to the diagram below

Example layout of caches and memory for a 4 core system.

Example layout of caches and memory for a 4 core system.

Although in this course we will spend most of our time focussing on single core performance, in practice, most scientific computing algorithms will be parallel.

To understand how parallelisation will affect the performance on real hardware, we need to know if will be limited by a resource which is scalable, or saturating.

Scalable resources

These resources are private to each core/chip. For example, CPU cores themselves are a scalable resource. Adding a second core doubles the number of floating point operations we can perform.

As a consequence, if our code is limited by the floating point throughput, adding more cores is a useful thing to do.

Prototypical performance of a scalable resource

Prototypical performance of a scalable resource

Saturating/shared resources

These resources are shared between cores. The typical example is main memory bandwidth. In the diagram above, we see that the main memory interface is shared between the four cores. This is typical for modern CPUs.

On a single chip, if our code is limited by the main memory bandwidth, adding more cores is not useful. Instead we would need to add another chip (with another memory system).

Prototypical performance of a saturating resource

Prototypical performance of a saturating resource

You should explore this on Hamilton in exercise 3

Summary: challenges for writing high performance code #

At a high level, the performance of an algorithm is dependent on:

  1. how many instructions are required to implement the algorithm;
  2. how efficiently those instructions can be executed on a processor;
  3. and what the runtime contribution of the required data transfers is.

Given an optimal algorithm, converting that to an optimal implementation requires addressing all of these points in tandem. This is made complicated by the complexity and parallelism of modern hardware. A typical Intel server offers

  1. Socket-based parallelism: 1-4 CPUs on a typical motherboard;
  2. Core-based parallelism: 4-32 cores in a typical CPU;
  3. SIMD/Vectorisation: vector registers capable of holding 2-16 single; precision elements on each core;
  4. Superscalar execution: typically 2-8 instructions per cycle per core.

To limit the scope to something reasonable, we will focus mainly on the SIMD and superscalar parts of this picture. The rationale for this is that we should aim for good single core performance before looking at parallelism. If we don’t, we might be led in the wrong direction by a “false” idea of the performance limits.