Further resources
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Other reading/resources #

  • Travis Downs writes an interesting, and tremendously detailed, low-level performance optimisation and measurement blog.
  • John Regehr writes about compilers often including details of optimisation.
  • For an interesting look at how far you can go down the rabbithole of optimising a small piece of code, see this sequence of posts on improving the performance of sorting small arrays by vectorisation (among other things).
  • Denis Bakhvalov writes a blog on performance optimisation, with a focus on the “top-down” methodology. He also has a free ebook on performance analysis and tuning, and a series of exercises exploring individual performance analysis and optimisations.
  • Andi Kleen develops the pmu-tools project, whose toplev command is useful. The manual has some useful tips.