This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. The materials herein are therefore not necessarily still in date.

Slides 2021/22 edition #

Slides for the live lectures. These will be augmented with annotated versions, links to recordings, and some short commentary after the fact. If you think you should have access to the recordings but don’t, please get in touch.

The long form notes add words in between the bullet points.

  • Session 1, annotated, video.

    We introduced some ideas of computer architecture and talked about the motivation for the course. There is a focus on trying to build predictive models for the speed that code runs at.

    We finished by working through the first exercise in the round. But did not quite finish. Have a go at producing the plots the last part of the exercise requires of you. We will discuss the results in the next session

  • Session 2, annotated, video.

    I realised while we were doing the second exercise why I couldn’t reproduce the plot from the slides. I started at 1024kB, rather than 1kB. I should have looped from seq 0 17 rather than seq 10 17. The corrected script to collect all the data we need is

    # 1 core
    #SBATCH -n 1
    #SBATCH --job-name="collect-bw"
    #SBATCH -o collect-bw.%J.out
    #SBATCH -e collect-bw.%J.err
    #SBATCH -t 00:20:00
    #SBATCH -p par7.q
    source /etc/profile.d/
    module load likwid/5.0.1
    for n in $(seq 0 17)
        size=$((2 ** n))
        mflops_scalar=$(likwid-bench -t sum_sp -w S0:${size}kB:1 2>/dev/null | grep MFlops/s | cut -f 3)
        mflops_avx=$(likwid-bench -t sum_sp_avx -w S0:${size}kB:1 2>/dev/null | grep MFlops/s | cut -f 3)
        echo $size $mflops_scalar $mflops_avx

    We didn’t quite finish all of the slides, so we’ll pick up where we left off and use the results of the second exercise to build a predictive model for the performance of the vectorised sum reduction at the beginning of the next session.

  • Session 3, annotated, video.

    We used the results of our benchmarking of the cache hierarchy to construct a model for how fast the sum reductions should run as a function of the vector size. It works pretty well! This was the end of slides from session 2, I have updated the annotated version above. Then I talked, probably for a bit long (sorry), about memory bandwidth, resource restrictions and some philosophy of how to go about thinking about optimising code.

    We finished by talking about the roofline model, introduced in Williams, Waterman, and Patterson (2009). Please read this paper before the session tomorrow and note any questions or discussion points you might have on it, we’ll read through the paper in class and discuss it further then.

  • Session 4, annotated, annotated roofline paper, video

    We spent the first half of the session going over the roofline paper and pointing out some key ideas.

    Then I started talking about performance counters and how to access them. We finished by trying to confirm our hypotheses about some simple stream code and how many loads and stores we would observe. We didn’t manage to do so in all cases, so we’ll try and figure things out next time.

  • Session 5, annotated, video

    We didn’t make it very far through the session five slides, but did finish session four on profiling (annotated slides above updated). The low-level profiling toolkit on Linux-based systems is perf, and Brendan Gregg has many examples.

    We figured out what was going on with our measurements of memory loads and stores for the simple example of exercise 5. We needed to convince the compiler to do the right thing in terms of the code it emitted, by adding -fno-inline -march=native to the compile flags: I have updated the exercise instructions.

  • Session 6 (didn’t get to these slides), updated annotated session 5 slides video.

    We went through cache blocking/loop tiling in more detail, and constructed a model for how dense matrix-matrix multiplication might perform. I left the part of the video in the middle where I did one of the exercises so you can observe my process if you like (I didn’t submit to the batch system because I was a bad person).

    For next time, we’ll look at data layout transformations and vectorisation, please read through Henretty et al. (2011), Data Layout Transformation for Stencil Computations on Short-Vector SIMD Architectures and think of any questions or comments you might have about it for next time: we’ll go through this paper and the session 6 slides on Monday. You might also find glancing at the sesion 7 slides helpful for the paper reading.

  • Session 7: annotated session 6 slides, annotated Henretty (2011) paper video

    We talked about data layout transformations and vectorisation, and then read through the paper on data layout transformations for stencil computations. The main idea is that it is sometimes possible, and preferable to restructure both the code and data to permit more efficient vectorisation. The key ideas in the paper are also covered in the session 7 slides, which we didn’t go over in class.

  • Session 8 scribbles, video

    I talked a little about the computational model in the finite element method (which forms the basis of the code that we’re looking at in the coursework. In particular focusing on how much compute and how much data movement happens.

    If you run on Hamilton8 likwid is still available (contrary to what I stated live).