Coursework: stencils and collectives
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. For future updates, please visit the new version of the course pages.

Overview #

The submission deadline for this work is 2022-01-10 at 14:00UTC.

This coursework has two parts. In the first part, you will design and implement OpenMP parallelisation of a simple stencil code. In the second part, you will develop a tree-based implementation of MPI_Allreduce, and then perform some benchmarking of your implementation against both the vendor-provided version, and the non-scalable version we saw in the exercises.

You will be assessed by submitting both your code, and brief writeups of your findings through GitHub classroom. See details below.

To gain access to the template code, you should accept the classroom assignment.

Part 1: OpenMP #

The Gauss-Seidel method is a building block of many numerical algorithms for the solution of linear systems of equations.

Given some square matrix $A$ and vector $b$, it can be used to solve the matrix equation $$ A x = b. $$ To do this, we split $A$ into lower and strictly upper triangular parts: $$ A = L_* + U $$ where $$ L_* = \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{n1} & \cdots & \cdots & a_{nn} \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{and} \quad U = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & a_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & \cdots & 0 \end{bmatrix}. $$ Starting from some initial guess for $x$, call it $x^{(k)}$, a new guess is obtained by $$ x^{(k+1)} = L_*^{-1}(b - U x^{(k)}). $$ Since $L_*$ is lower-triangular, its inverse can be computed efficiently by forward substitution and so we have, for each entry of the solution vector $$ x_i^{(k+1)} = \frac{1}{a_{ii}}\left(b_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} a_{ij}x_j^{(k+1)} - \sum_{j=i+1}^n a_{ij} x_j^{(k)}\right). $$

We will apply Gauss-Seidel iteration to solve the same image reconstruction problem we saw in the MPI stencil exercise.

Task: design and implement an OpenMP parallelisation scheme #

Overview of code #

The code for this part is in the openmp subdirectory of the template repository. You can build the code with make which produces a ./main executable. A sample image if provided in images/, but any other PGM image will also work.

On Hamilton you’ll want to load the following modules


When run on an image, the code produces some output on the convergence of the scheme. For example, before making any modifications from the template code:

$ ./main images/mario.pgm edges.pgm recon.pgm 1000
     0 ||r||/||r0|| = 1
   100 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.00320287
   200 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.0018596
   300 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.00135849
   400 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.00108396
   500 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.000904829
   600 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.000776414
   700 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.000678938
   800 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.000602047
   900 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.000539689
  1000 ||r||/||r0|| = 0.00048804

We are solving a linear system of equations $$ A x = b, $$ given a guess of the solution $x^*$, the residual is $$ r = b - A x^*. $$ The executable prints out the 2-norm of this residual, divided by the 2-norm of the initial residual (so that everything is normalised).

As the iterations converge to the solution, the residual should drop to zero.

DO NOT change the format of the output, it is used by the automated testing framework to perform some basic tests of correctness. You can run these tests with the python script Redirect the output of the main program to a file and then run the check-convergence script:

$ ./main images/mario.pgm edges.pgm recon.pgm 1000 > output.txt
$ python3 output.txt
Checking number of lines in output...ok
Parsing output...ok
Checking iteration counts are correct...ok
Checking first residual is correctv...ok
Checking residuals decrease monotonically...ok
Checking final residual is small enough...ok

The checker does not check exact outputs, since even a correct parallel scheme may not produce the same results as a serial scheme.

Parallelisation goal #

You goal is to parallelise the reconstruction of the image in the ReconstructFromEdges function. Take care that your parallelisation scheme does not suffer from data races. Is there a way you can parallelise both the loops over i and j?

The Gauss-Seidel iteration is order-dependent, so if you change the iteration order you will not obtain exactly the same answers even with a correct implementation.
Think about which entries of the data array are read from for a particular iteration. Is there a way you can split the loops so that you can run them in parallel without data races? Breaking iterations into independent sets that can run in parallel is often termed “colouring”. You can see a description of this for Gauss-Seidel iterations in pages 14-16 of these slides.

Make sure that you commit your changes and push them to your GitHub repository. Ensure that your code compiles without warnings and does not leak any memory.

Some basic tests of functionality are run by the GitHub CI server every time you push. You should make sure that your code at least passes these.

Part 1 writeup #

Write up a short description (max one page) of your OpenMP parallelisation scheme. You should explain what problems arise when trying to parallelise the loops, and how you solve them. You should include this writeup in your repository as a PDF file called part1.pdf.

Part 2: MPI #

In the one of the first MPI exercises, we implemented a simple collective operation where we passed messages around a one-dimensional ring.

Now we’re going to implement a more sophisticated version of this collective operation, using a tree reduction, discussed when we introduced collectives.

We will then benchmark the ring reduction, tree reduction, and the builtin MPI_Allreduce for a range of problem sizes, and compare to the simple performance models we saw in lectures.

For this part of the coursework, the template code lives in the mpi subdirectory. The Makefile builds an executable main.

On Hamilton you’ll want to load the following modules


We can see how to use it by running with the -h flag

$ make
$ ./main -h
./main -N N [-t MODE] [-h]
Run benchmarking or checking of allreduce.

 -N N
    Set the message count (required).

    Select execution mode (default CHECK).
    CHECK: non-exhaustive check of correctness.
    BENCH: print timing data.
    Print this help.

In checking mode, your tree_allreduce implementation is compared for correctness against MPI_Allreduce, and some output is printed. Initially all tests will fail because there is no implementation. A successful test run will look like the below. You should check that the tests run correctly for a variety of different process counts.

$ mpiexec -n 2 ./main -t CHECK
ok 1 - MPI_SUM count 1
ok 2 - MPI_PROD count 1
ok 3 - MPI_MIN count 1
ok 4 - MPI_MAX count 1
ok 5 - MPI_SUM count 3
ok 6 - MPI_PROD count 3
ok 7 - MPI_MIN count 3
ok 8 - MPI_MAX count 3
ok 9 - MPI_SUM count 12
ok 10 - MPI_PROD count 12
ok 11 - MPI_MIN count 12
ok 12 - MPI_MAX count 12
ok 13 - MPI_SUM count 1048577
ok 14 - MPI_PROD count 1048577
ok 15 - MPI_MIN count 1048577
ok 16 - MPI_MAX count 1048577

Task: implement tree_allreduce #

The full version of MPI_Allreduce can handle arbitrary datatypes and combining operations (including user operations). For our implementation, we will restrict to the MPI_INT data and the builtin operations MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD, MPI_MIN, and MPI_MAX.

We will also restrict ourselves to reductions over communicators whose size is a power of two (for example 1, 2, 4, 8, …).

Optional extra
Extension to arbitrary sized communicators is not conceptually difficult, but does introduce quite a bit of fiddly book-keeping.

In reduce.c is a stub function tree_allreduce in which you should implement the reduction.

Recall, from the introduction to collectives, the picture of a tree reduction where at each level pairs of processes produce partial results. To obtain the final result on all processes, the sequence of messages is reversed from root to leaf.

Ensure that your code performs correctly, does not leak any memory (all objects that you allocate in tree_allreduce should be freed), and compiles without warnings.

Some basic tests of functionality are run by the GitHub CI server every time you push. You should make sure that your code at least passes these.

Task: benchmarking and comparison to MPI_Allreduce #

The main executable has some benchmarking options which you can run that control the algorithm choice for reductions, and the size of the messages being sent.

You will need to do the benchmarking on the compute notes of Hamilton, so you will need to write a batch script and submit your code to the batch system.

Leave yourself enough time to get your benchmarking runs completed, since Hamilton often has significant usage.

If you run in benchmarking mode, it prints out a short timing summary of the time to perform the reductions.

$ mpiexec -n 4 ./main -N 1024 -t BENCH
1024 366972 1.29243e-05 2.84218e-05 2.93392e-06

In order, these give

  1. Count (number of integers in the reduction)
  2. Number of repetitions
  3. Time for one repetition of ring_allreduce
  4. Time for one repetition of tree_allreduce
  5. Time for one repetition of MPI_Allreduce

Recall from the lectures that we constructed models for how ring and tree reductions should behave in terms of the number of processes. For a reduction involving $P$ processes, the ring-based scheme takes time

$$ T_\text{ring}(B) = (P-1)T_\text{message}(B) $$ and the tree-based scheme takes $$ T_\text{tree}(B) = 2 (\log_2 P) T_\text{message}(B), $$ where $T_\text{message}(B)$ is the time to send a message of $B$ bytes.

Your task is to benchmark the ring and tree-based implementations, as well as the vendor-provided MPI_Allreduce, with a goal of comparing the results to our simple models.

Benchmark the different implementations on a range of processes, from 2 up to 128, and a range of message counts (from 1 up to $2^{24}$).


It makes sense to collect the data for different message counts but a fixed process count in the same job script. For example, to collect data for a count of 1, 2, and 4, your job script could execute

mpiexec ./main -N 1 -t BENCH
mpiexec ./main -N 2 -t BENCH
mpiexec ./main -N 4 -t BENCH

Produce plots of the behaviour of the reductions as a function of the number of processes, and the size of the messages. Think about how best to present these data. Compare them with the data we obtained for ping-pong messages, and the performance models we developed.

Part 2 writeup #

Write up both the algorithm/implementation choices for tree_allreduce and your findings in a short report (max four pages). In addition to describing the implementation choices, your report should present the results of your experiments, along with an analysis of the data. Remember to justify and explain your parameter choices for the experiments you carried out.

Some questions you could consider include:

  1. Which implementation is the best choice? Does it depend on the number of processes taking part?
  2. What scaling do you observe as a function of the number of processes and message size?
  3. Does the scaling behaviour match the predictions of the models we constructed in lectures?
  4. Do you observe the same algorithmic scaling behaviour for MPI_Allreduce as for tree_allreduce? If not, what do you think might be the difference?

You may also cover other points that your noticed or found interesting.

You should include this writeup in your repository as PDF file called part2.pdf.

Mark scheme and submission #

To submit your work, upload a single text file to ULTRA containing the git commit hash of the code and writeups you want marked. I will then go your repository and mark the work from the relevant commit. To ensure that I can match things up, add your CIS username to the document in your copy of the repository.

I will mark what is in the GitHub classroom repository. Make sure to push your changes to this repository regularly. Do not upload code to ULTRA.

Your repository should contain your implementations and two PDF reports:

  1. part1.pdf: Max one page, covering your implementation for Part 1
  2. part2.pdf: Max four pages, covering your implementation and experiments for Part 2
All codeCompiles with no warnings and no memory leaks5
Part 1 codeCorrect OpenMP parallelisation of Gauss-Seidel iteration15
Part 2 codeCorrect MPI implementation for tree_allreduce20
Part 1 reportDescription of parallelisation scheme10
Part 2 reportDescription of implementation choices and analysis and presentation of experimental data50

The reports will be marked with reference to the descriptors for written work on the MISCADA sharepoint site.