MPI: ping-pong latency
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. For future updates, please visit the new version of the course pages.

Measuring point-to-point message latency with ping-pong #

In this exercise we will write a simple code that does a message ping-pong: sending a message back and forth between two processes.

We can use this to measure both the latency and bandwidth of the network on our supercomputer. Which are both important measurements when we’re looking at potential parallel performance: they help us to decide if our code is running slowly because of our bad choices, or limitations in the hardware.

A model for the time to send a message #

We care about the total time it takes to send a message, our model is a linear model which has two free parameters:

  1. $\alpha$, the message latency, measured in seconds;
  2. $\beta$, the inverse network bandwidth, measured in seconds/byte (so that the bandwidth is $\beta^{-1}$.

With this model, the time to send a message with $b$ bytes is

$$ T(b) = \alpha + \beta b $$

Implementation #

I provide a template in mpi/ping-pong/ping-pong.c in the code/mpi/ping-pong subdirectory of the repository that you can compile with mpicc. It takes one argument, the size of the message (in bytes) to exchange.

You should implement the ping_pong function which should send a message of the given size from rank 0 to rank 1, after which rank 1 should send the same message back to rank 0. Ensure that the code also works with more than two processes (all other ranks should just do nothing).

Add timing around the ping_pong call to determine how long it takes to send these messages.


Use MPI_Wtime() for timing.

For small messages you will probably need to do many ping-pong iterations in a loop to get accurate timings.

Experiment #


Run your code on the Hamilton compute nodes for a range of messages sizes from one byte to 64MB.

Produce a plot of the time to send a message as a function of message size.

Using numpy.polyfit (or your favourite linear regression scheme), fit our proposed model to your data.

What values of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ do you get?


I provide a sample solution in mpi/ping-pong/ping-pong-solution.c. When I run it on one node using messages ranging from 1 Byte to 16MB (in powers of 2), I get something like the below.

Ping pong time and model fit on Hamilton v6 (par6.q queue), this is the older hardware

Ping pong time and model fit on Hamilton v6 (par6.q queue), this is the older hardware

It looks like a piecewise linear model is right for this MPI implementation. Between 512KB and 1MB, the time jumps up. This is probably when the implementation is switching protocols.

I get a latency of $\alpha_\text{intra} \approx 500\text{ns}$, and an inverse bandwidth of $\beta \approx 4.5\times 10^{-10}\text{s/byte}$ or a bandwidth of around $2\text{GB/s}$.


Perform the same experiment, but this time, place the two processes on different Hamilton compute nodes. Do you observe a difference in the performance?

To do this, you’ll need to write a SLURM batch script that specifies

# Two nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=2
# One process per node
#SBTACH --ntasks-per-node=1

If I do this, I see that the inter-node latency on Hamilton 6 is pretty bad, although asymptotically it seems like the bandwidth is the same as for inter-node. This time I ran out to messages of 64MB. The slow message at 32MB appears to be repeatable, but I don’t understand what is going on.

Notice that when going across nodes, the switch in protocol happens at a lower size (it looks like 256KB, rather than 1MB).

The plot also has results for Hamilton 7 which performs somewhat better.

Ping pong latency on Hamilton 6 and Hamilton 7.

Ping pong latency on Hamilton 6 and Hamilton 7.

If I fit our linear model to the inter-node data, I get $\alpha_\text{inter} \approx 6\mu\text{s} \approx 10 \alpha_\text{intra}$. The inverse bandwidth is about the same, resulting in a network bandwidth of around $2\text{GB/s}$.

Fitting the model to the Hamilton 7 data, the intra-node latency is still around $500\text{ns}$, but now the asymptotic bandwidth is around $6.5\text{GB/s}$, so the network is much better inside a node. However, we see that between nodes, it performs in a similar manner to the Hamilton 6 case.

Advanced: variability #

This section is optional, but possibly interesting.

Solutions for this section are left as an exercise.

One thing that can affect performance of real MPI codes is the message latency, and particularly if there is any variability. This might be affected by other processes that happen to be using the network, or our own code, or operating system level variability. We’ll see if we can observe any on Hamilton.

Modify your code so that rather than just timing many ping-pong iterations, it records the time for each of the many iterations separately.

Use this information to compute the mean ping-pong time, along with the standard deviation and the minimum and maximum times.


You can allocate an array for your timing data with

int nrepeats = 1000; /* Or some approriate number */
double *timing = malloc(nrepeats * sizeof(*double));

for (int i = 0; i < nrepeats; i++) {
   start = MPI_Wtime();
   end = MPI_Wtime();
   timing[i] = end - start;
...; /* Compute statistics */

free(timing); /* Don't forget to release the memory! */

Produce a plot of these data, using the standard deviation as error bars and additionally showing the minimum and maximum times as outliers.


What, if any, variability do you observe?

Does it change if you move from a single compute node to two nodes?

Network contention #

Finally, we’ll look at whether having more messages “in flight” at once effects performance.

Rather than running with two processes, you should run with full compute nodes (24 processes per node).

Modify your ping-pong code so that all ranks participate in pairwise messaging.

Divide the processes into a “bottom” and “top” half. Suppose we are using size processes in total. Processes with rank < size/2 are in the “bottom” half, the remainder are in the “top” half.

A process in the bottom half should send a message to its matching pair in the top half (rank + size/2), that process should then return the message (to rank - size/2).

Again measure time and variability, and produce a plot.


Do the results change from previously?

  1. When using one compute node?
  2. When using two?
  3. When using four?