MPI: messages round a ring
This course page was updated until March 2022 when I left Durham University. For future updates, please visit the new version of the course pages.

Sending messages around a ring #

In this exercise we’ll write a simple form of global reduction. We will set up the processes in a ring (so each process has a left and right neighbour) and each process should initialise a buffer to its rank.

To compute a global summation a simple method is to rotate each piece of data all the way round the ring: at each step, a process receives from the left and sends to the right.

This is illustrated for five processes in the figure below. The accumulation happens in the red boxes, and the message at each step is shown by the arrow between processes.

Rotating a message around a ring, and accumulating.

Rotating a message around a ring, and accumulating.

Code #

I provide a template file ring.c in the code/mpi/ring subdirectory of the repository. It initialises and finalises MPI and provides a stub ring_reduce function which you should implement.

The initial local value is set to the rank. This gives us a nice way of checking if the summed value is correct, since on $P$ processes, the final value should be $P(P-1)/2$.

Challenge #


Implement the ring_reduce function. If you’re already comfortable with non-blocking messages, you can use those, otherwise, you will probably find MPI_Sendrecv useful.

Ensure that your function does not modify the value in the sendbuf argument.

Make sure that your code produces the correct answer, independent of the number of processes you use.

That is, you should not have to hard-code the total number of processes anywhere.

Scaling study: adding processes #

Having implemented the reduction, we’ll now measure how the performance varies when we increase the number of processes. First, think about how many messages your program sends in total as a function of the total number of processes.


If each message takes a constant amount of time, what algorithmic complexity do you expect for your implementation as a function of the total number of processes $P$?


Time the performance of your reduction from one to 256 processes on Hamilton. (You’ll need to use the batch system for this!)

Produce a plot of the runtime as a function of $P$. Does it tally with your expectations?

If the total time if very small, you might need to run the reduction in a loop (say ten times) to get reasonable measurements.


You can time a section of code with MPI_Wtime

double start = MPI_Wtime();
/* some code here */
double end = MPI_Wtime();

double total = end - start;